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Peterburs, Bertold / Бертольд Питербурс

Виды животных: Собаки
Стандарты: FCI
Тип мероприятия: Выставки, Племенные мероприятия
Специализация: Судья по экстерьеру
Адрес: Германия / Germany
Телефон: +49 01714884423
E-mail: VDP.Peterburs@t-online.de
все эксперты
I got my first brown miniature poodle in 1969 because I very much liked the colour brown in poodles.

In 1972 I became an active member of the German Poodle Association “VDP” (Verband der Pudelfreunde Deutschland e.V. (VDP)) In 1976 I was elected Chairman of the Baden-Baden Group of the VDP, and progressed to President of the VDP Poodle Association. Today we have nearly 3000 members and produce ca. 900 – 1000 puppies annually, thus we are the second largest poodle association in VDH.

In 1976 I bought a brown miniature poodle bitch, and obtained from the FCI the internationally protected kennel name “Von der Yburg”. This bitch produced four litters, and had a very good show career, among others she was runner-up to the world champion at the World Dog Show in Basle in 1980.

Since then we have bred more than 60 litters, and our poodles have been very successful at national and international shows. At present we have in our home in this time 2 black miniature poodles male and 6 bitches, plus one brown dwarf bitch that presently has a litter of 11 puppies and 1 brown miniature bitch poodle in this time only for shows.

As I already mentioned,  since 1972  I have dedicated my life to the breeding and judging of Poodles. As far as I can think back I spent my spare time with dogs, especially with Poodles. The warm colour brown has always been my favourite colour, and not only with Poodles. But I also liked black Poodles, so this colour was my second favourite colour. Therefore brown and black Poodles came first for me.

But why only Dwarf and Miniature Poodles?

That is quite simple :  to me they are like a perfect dream when they move  and present themselves proudly and with style. I am fascinated by the way they move with a lot of drive and action.

What is important with Poodles is good movement with lots of style, a good temperament and a nice expression.

These are my thoughts when judging,  to my mind only those Poodles that meet these criteria are the ones for the future.

Can there be anything more beautiful?  No, because the intelligent and sweet expression of a Poodle is a godsend which I wouldn’t want to miss anymore.

Nowadays Poodle lovers, that is what they call themselves but often they are only filled with envy,  ambition and greed, are not into the serious breeding of Poodles for the purpose of improving the breed. They refuse to see or recognize the faults of their Poodles.

I wonder where this is leading us?

My Career as a Judge:

On 18 January 1983 I obtained my license from the German Kennel Club (VDH) to judge poodles. So far, I have judged as a Poodle Specialist Judge several times in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Germany.

In November 2001 I was approved by the VDH for judging all the breeds of Group 9.

Besides, I am authorized as Special Judge for the breeds Japanese Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, and Pekingese.

In 2006 I was appointed from the VDH to the judging the FCI group 10 and I think that I can make in 2007 my examination.

My judging history in 2002:
2 x  Poodles at CACIB shows in Moscow, at one of which I also judged the entire group 9,   1  x  special breed show in Germany for Kromfohrländer,  1 x  Poodles at the Federal Winner Show of the German Kennel Club (VDH) in Dortmund,  1 x  Poodles in Belgium,  1 x Poodles at Budapest in Hungary,  and  2 x Poodles at club shows in Germany.

In 2003 I have accepted to judge at the following shows:
1 x Poodles in Tschechei,  1 x Toy and Grand Poodles at the World Dog Show in Germany,  5 x Poodles at club shows, 1 x Poodles in France,  1 x  Group 9 = Coton de Tuléar, Pugs, Kromfohrländer,  and others at the CACIB Show in Stuttgart, Germany,  1 x Kromfohrländer at a special breed show,  1 x at a special breed show of the Association for Toy Breeds,  1 x Poodles at the Amsterdam Winner Show,  1 x Group 9 at the CACIB Show in St. Petersburg (Russia), one Time  of Show in Stuttgart: Fr.-Bulldoggen, Cavalier King Spaniel, Papillon, Löwchen, Shih-Tsu, Chihuahua, Bichon Frise, Bologneser, Havaneser, Phalene, Malteser, Mops, Best of Gruppe 9.

In 2004 I have accepted to judge at the following shows
1 x Poodles in Schweden, 1 x Möpse in Offenburg-Germany, 1 x Pudel in Luxembourg, 3 x Poodles at club shows in Germany, 1 x  Group 9 in Leipzig-Germany, 2 x Kromfohrländer at a special breed show- Germany, 1 x Poodles in Tschechei,  one Time  of Club-Show in Stuttgart:-Germany: Fr.-Bulldoggen, Cavalier King Spaniel, Papillon, Löwchen, Shih-Tsu, Chihuahua, Bichon Frise, Bologneser, Havaneser, Phalene, Malteser, Mops, Best of Gruppe 9.

In 2005 I have accepted to judge at the following shows:
4 X Poodle in Germany, 1 X Poodle in France, 1 X Poodle in Sweden, 1 X Poodle in Polen, 8 X Groupe 9 in Germany, 1 X Group 9 in Polen, 1 X Group 9 in France, 1 X Group 9 in Sweden

In 2006 I have accepted to judge at the following shows:
3 X Poodle in Germany,  1 X  Poodle in CZ, 1 X Group 9 in CH, 7 X Group 9 in Germany.
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