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Stockmary, Harto / Харто Стокмари

Дата рождения: 07.07.1956
Виды животных: Собаки
Стандарты: FCI
Тип мероприятия: Выставки, Племенные мероприятия
Специализация: Судья по экстерьеру
Адрес: Финляндия / Finland, Koski Tl
Телефон: +040 550 1857
E-mail: stockmari@koski.fi
все эксперты
languages:    English, Finnish, German, Spanish, Swedish
Tanya and Harto met for the first time in 1978 at the yard of the Turku mental hospital. It was six o'clock in the morning and they were on their way to the Moss dog show in Norway. Tanya and Harto were married 1987 in Stockholm at the church of the finnish ministry on their way PMV-87 show in Norway which naturally became the destination of their honeymoon. Dogs play a role in every part of Tanya's and Harto's life. They live with their daughter Nora in Koski TL. Tanya is a kindergarden teacher and Harto has master's degree in economics. Their activities include going to art and antique auctions in addition to their dogs. Harto is also making a genealogy study and goes horseback riding with Nora. Tanya is involved in governing the kennelpiiri of Varsinais-Suomi and is a regional trainer. She is also an enthusiastic sports follower and has also been the show director of Varsinais-Suomi kennelpiiri. Harto began breeding Australian Terriers in 1972 with the kennelname Sassatown. Harto's first dog was Suvisalon Pamela. Behind the current litters there is a line of 10 generations of his own bitches. In addition to Australian Terriers Harto breeds Scottish Deerhounds and Poodles. In Tanya's childhood home there was a Miniature Pincher from kennel Söpölä which was bred by Tanya's aunt Kirsi Salminen. Tanya used to take her aunt's dogs into shows and play around with them. Tanya has bred Pomerians like Kirsti. "We brought white, black&tan and multicolored Pomerians into Finland, but we gave them up because of their tendency to bark so much". After the Miniature Pincher she had a medium sized p&s Schnauzer from kennel Miha. Tanya's kennel is named Stranger's after the famous old song "Strangers in the night" by Frank Sinatra. Like Harto, Tanya also breeds Australian Terriers. Both Tanya and Harto have also always had so called rescue-dogs. (rescue-dog means a dog that has been given away for one reason or the other and has been given a new home thus saving it's life) Tanya has a real knack in finding them. They've had eg. New Foundland -dog, Norwich Terrier, long-haired Wienerdog, Whippet... rescue-dogs all. "Our daughter Nora insisted in having a Poodle for herself, so three years ago at Valentine's day we brought home a medium-sized apricose-colored Poodle". Now our home is a home for several white, apricose and black Poodles ranging from medium to toy-sized. Harto wanted to expand his 20 years show, breeding and association activity experience. He became a judge in 1989. As for Tanya it was a natural step forward in her dog breeding career. They were probably the first married couple who graduaded from the same judging course. In addition to judging he has also been the chairman of Australian Terrier -club and an expert member for the breeding committee for two seasons. One season as the chairman of Finnish Pekingese club, two years in the board of Terrier organization and in various show committees. Harto was the first Australian Terrier breeder to be given the Vuolasvirta award and he has also been awarded Turunmaa kennel association's silver medal, Finnish kennel club's pennant and SUKOKA breeder's award for being the first person to breed Australian Terriers in Finland. Tanya has been a member of board in the Australian Terrier club, chairman of the breeding committee and a member of board and a judge-member of Finnish Pegingese club. In addition Tanya has been a judge-member of breeding committee of Bichon Frise club of Finland and has been involved in several show committees. Tanya has been making Aussilehti, Pekelehti, year books and the membership publication of Turunmaa kennel association among others. Also Tanya has been awarded Turunmaa kennel assosiation's silver medal as well as the silver medal and pennant of Finnish kennel club.
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