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Bodle, Bridgette / Бриджил Бодл

Виды животных: Собаки
Стандарты: FCI
Тип мероприятия: Выставки, Племенные мероприятия
Специализация: Судья по экстерьеру
Адрес: Великобритания / Great Britain, Англия, Бостон
Телефон: +01529 462000
E-mail: Bridgette_bodle@n-kesteven.gov.uk
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Bridgette Bodle, питомник Kitarn, породы Leonberger Weimaraner Rottweiler, судит в основном крупные породы, такие как доберман, голдены, леонбергеры. ротвейлеры, веймаранер

I've shown working and gundog breeds at Crufts for the last 18 years and every year I hear a rumour about which dog is going to take Best In Show, sometimes the rumours turn into reality and sometimes not. Dog showing can become quite political with favours being done in return for favours. However, I like to think that the judges who are honoured with a Crufts appointment will judge the dog on the day and not the reputation which precedes it. Winning Best in Show at Crufts is a mighty achievement and probably every exhibitors unattainable dream but it doesn't stop us qualifying our dogs year after year for what has to be the highlight of the canine showing calender. Let the rumours continue, it makes not the slightest difference to me - I doubt I will ever win Best in Show at Crufts but I still take the best dog home at the end of the day! Bridgette Bodle, Sleaford, 06/3/2008
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