Питомник хаски и бостон терьеров Inner Vision Siberians http://www.innervision.com.mk
Судья о себе:
Я - президент и один из основателей клуба собаководства северных пород в Македонии, я принимал участие в организации специализированных шоу в последние годы, и я до сих пор работаю над продолжением этой традиции в македонской кинологии. Я стал судьей FCI в 2011 году, и я получил опыт на национальных и международных выставках, а также на специализированных выставках по всему миру. Я судил в странах: Македонии, Сербии, Болгарии, Черногории, Украине, Белоруссии, России, Молдове , Таиланде ...
Я Международный FCI судья для всех пород из группы: I, V и VIII.
Stefan Mitrevski became involved in showing and breeding dogs from 2005 starting a successful exhibitor career, helping with the organization of Macedonian dog shows , and in 2007 registered his Siberian Husky Kennel “Inner Vision”. That way he began the “Inner Vision” breeding program and since that time has won many national and international shows where he had great success due to the outstanding producing ability of his foundation sires and dams . He participated as an exhibitor at the European and World Dog Shows as well , with great results . In 2015 dogs from our breeding become: "Silverado Of Inner Vision"- Junior World Winner and "Tristan Of Inner Vision" - Vice Junior European Winner "Tristan Of Inner Vision".
Born in Skopje , the capital city of Macedonia , Stefan loved animals from early age, especially dogs and cats that grew up by his side . This special kind of love and affection towards dogs started with the hunting dogs and Irish Setter that he owned as young. Together with his family later in 1994 owned few German Shepherds , but later on as his taste developed he become devoted to the Siberian Husky Breed . He has been fortunate to breed many dogs that became National and International Champions , Best In Show winners . He has also exported many show dogs across USA, Europe and Asia in respectful and established kennels .
He is President and one of the founders of the Kennel Club For Polar Breeds in Macedonia, organising many speciality shows in the past years and working towards continuing this great tradition in promoting the Macedonian cinology . He become FCI judge in 2011 and has offered his expertise on national and international shows as well as on speciality shows.He has been judging in : Macedonia ,Serbia ,Bulgaria ,Montenegro,Ukraine ,Belarus ,Russia ,Moldova and Thailand.